"Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food." - Hippocrates (The Father of Medicine)
Our mission is to give HOPE for a more empowered life one person at a time through our high quality, science-backed, and proprietary-processed health products.
When you think of traditional supplements, you think herbs. After more than a decade of extensive research and development, Botanical Wisdom takes it a giant step further, and integrates science with botanical therapeutics, or phytomedicines, which are 100% plant-based. A proprietary process used only by Botanical Wisdom, our products are formulated using Bio-Enhanced Extraction (B.E.E.) process, which blends classic herbs and science-based plant nutrients. The result? Multi-action formulas called Rapid Cell Infusions that provide support for targeted therapeutic use.
Throughout the world, consumers continue to choose Botanical Wisdom's formulations because of the positive results they attain within an amazingly short period of time. Not a buildup over weeks or months but days, and often, hours and minutes!
Bio-Enhanced Extraction or B.E.E. is a proprietary, patented manufacturing method that allows us to isolate, purify, extract and enhance active compounds from complex botanicals. B.E.E. is not just and extraction method or chemical process, but a combination of molecular biology and technology that covers the complete manufacturing process, from species selection to the completion of the finished product.
In fact, no other company in the world has been able to duplicate the results that Botanical Wisdom has achieved with B.E.E., a three-step process of isolation/purification, extraction and bio-enhancement using only those active compounds of plants determined to be extraordinarily beneficial. We preferentially extract the unique molecular profile from various herbs and plants used in the manufacture of our products, then preserve the active ingredients. Most traditional methods expose the herbs to high temperatures and pressures, and add alcohol, which can destroy or severely damage the active ingredients. The B.E.E. process does not expose the raw materials to high pressures or temperatures and alcohol is never used.
Our revolutionary process of extraction and enhancement using the active molecular elements and certain volatile oils from plants allows us to provide dosage potency beyond previous conception, which results in a product that, (in most cases), has an immediate effect on the body after taking the very first dose! Our products ensure fast-targeted action with proven effectiveness because of the proprietary methods employed during the B.E.E. process.
Based on GMP standards for safety, efficacy, and purity, Botanical Wisdom also removes harmful plan toxins and heavy metals during the B.E.E. process, which are often found in raw herbs and plants.
Imagine getting all the benefits of seven pounds of beneficial plant leaves without any toxins or harmful side effects, all in one small Botanical Wisdom capsule.
Flush 24™ contains several active B.E.E.® ingredients to help remove various kinds of toxins, pollutants and heavy metals from the body.
How Flush 24™ Works:
Flush 24 ™ works to cleanse and normalize the liver, gall bladder as well as the entire gastro-intestinal system. It also helps to remove both water and fat-soluble toxic matters from the body.The B.E.E.® naturally processed constituents in Flush 24™ will help support the main organs of detoxification and help to increase bile production in the gallbladder and bile flow in the liver.The liver eliminates toxins from the body by making them soluble and secreting them from the body in the form of bile. By increasing bile flow and production, the liver is encouraged to expel even more toxins from the body.
Flush 24™ is highly recommended to people who:
Flush 24™ will remove thousands of toxins, poisons, chemicals, and drug residues while regenerating and healing liver cells.
Flush 24™ has been successfully used to help detoxify the entire body as well as the body’s main organs: liver, gallbladder, kidneys, the skin, the heart and arteries and the lungs.
Flush 24™ has been used to:
Main Ingredients: Papaya Fruit B.E.E.® , Pumpkin Seed B.E.E.® , Lemon Fruit B.E.E.® Flax Seed B.E.E.® Apple Cider Vinegar Powder, L-Arginine (from oats), Vitamin B6 (from Potatoes), Vitamin B12 (from Dong Quai) ,Folic Acid (from Spinach) ,Vitamin E (from wheat germ), Biotin (from Mushrooms), Carotene (from carrots), MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) ,Co Enzyme Q10 (from wheat germ), Zinc (from chickpeas and pumpkin seeds), Stevia
Suggested Usage:
On the day of the flush, do not eat ANY food and TRY not to drink any liquids throughout the entire day.If REALLY thirsty, some purified warm water can be consumed in very small amounts.Again, it is BEST to not eat or drink any food or liquids prior to beginning the flush.
Following the time schedule while doing the flush is very important, so try to drink the flush product at the specific times listed below.
Between 6pm-8pm:First drink one full pouch of Flush 24™ solution powder mixed in an 8-ounce glass of purified water.
EXACTLY two hours after having the first drink:Repeat by drinking another full pouch of Flush 24™powder mixed in 8 ounces of purified water.
Within 30 minutes of having the second drink, go to bed.Try going to bed by 10:30pm in order to insure that the body gets proper rest.
Just before going to bed, a small amount of warm water should be consumed (6-8 ounces).
When going to bed, it is very important to lie on the back and try to remain still.Try to remain on the back and avoid tossing and turning throughout the night.
Next Day:
6am or 7am:Repeat the same step as above.
Exactly two hours after your first morning drink:Repeat the process one more time
Drink warm water for the rest of the day.At the end of the day, 4:00pm to 6:00pm, eat a very light dinner, no fried food, meat, bread, alcohol or sweets.Follow a vegetarian diet: only fruits, vegetables and whole grains.Also drink plenty of pure water.It is best to stay on this same diet for 72 hours.Try to eat smaller portions of food and keep the total daily caloric intake to about 50% of normal for the entire 72-hour period.
Some people may experience fatigue during the flush. These symptoms usually diminish after a few hours to a day. For this reason, many people take time off work to begin the flush or conduct the process over the course of a weekend.
I am very impressed with the safety and performance of the Botanical Wisdom products. Let me tell you a couple of patients I had and their results. A man came with arthritis and complained of much pain and stiffness in his knees. I suggested Healthy Joints, the next day he called me and said he crawled under his truck that he had not been able to do for a year.
I have 3 patients with fibromyalgia. All have had it for a number of years. All three took Fibromya and were so pleased. They stated that it worked very fast and they had less pain and many of the other symptoms had been relieved within two to three days. Thank you for introducing these products to me. I am so pleased with the results my patients and I are receiving. Keep up the good work. I really believe that more people need to know about these products.
Finally a solution for the“hidden suffering” - “Urinary incontinence is no disease, but we who suffer from it, find it quite restraining and problematic,” Guri Wearnes claims. She has gotten a new life by using the natural made product Urinary Detox. “ My problem disappeared completely over night!” 30% of all women suffer from the Urinary Incontinence. "Imagine visiting the ladies room before you leave work and by the time you come home 30 minutes later, you have to go again! I am an active woman; I like to go to theaters and movies. I am always on the run and everywhere I go the first thing I have to make sure is where to find the restrooms, “ Guri Waernes says. “I know it probably sounds silly, but to us this is a big problem. However all my symptoms disappeared after trying out the natural made product Urinary Detox. After using the product for only one day, I started noticing changes in my condition. Now I am completely dependent on Urinary Detox and do not dare stop taking them.” -Guri Waerness